Melissa A. Kotrys, MPH

Melissa A. Kotrys, MPH
Chief Executive Officer, Contexture
AREAS OF FOCUS: Board Member

Melissa Kotrys is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for Contexture, the umbrella organization of CORHIO and Health Current, that helps partners transform care by bringing together communities and information across Arizona.
Ms. Kotrys currently serves as the Vice-Chair of the Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council and the Secretary of the Board for the national trade association of community and regional HIEs, the Strategic Health Information Exchange Collaborative (SHIEC). Ms. Kotrys also serves on the North America Board of Directors for the Health Information Management Systems Society (HIMSS), serving a three-year term that began July 1, 2018. Before joining Contexture, Ms. Kotrys worked as a consultant and health policy analyst at Deloitte Consulting. Ms. Kotrys holds a Master’s in Public Health from The George Washington University with a concentration in health policy, and a Bachelor of Arts from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.