4 Reasons Outsourced Recruiting Services Helps You Hire Top Talent

by Karen Steen, Principal Recruiter at Palmetto Summit

Hiring,  Recruiting,  Retention

The recruiting landscape has changed, unemployment is higher, and there are lots of jobs to fill across many industries. Research is tracking falling recruiter confidence while competition for jobs rises: 91% of recruiters say they are confident they can find the right people for their positions compared to 95% confidence only two years ago.  With so much market uncertainty, investing in outsourced recruiting services can place your business a step ahead of organizations with similar needs as you scale and make strategic hires with limited resources.

Outsourcing your recruitment efforts can often feel like a risk. How can anyone know your business like you do? While there is a small loss of control in certain aspects of the process of hiring when outsourcing, there are also many reasons why it may make the most sense for your business. Here are four reasons your organization should consider outsourcing recruiting services:  

1. You need to create more bandwidth for your current staff

Your existing staff is arguably your most valuable asset. Allowing your people operations team the ability to focus on internal initiatives can give them the time they need to build and execute strategies that reduce turnover. Protecting your current employee base with focused efforts that build satisfaction and employee engagement further reduces the need to hire down the road. 

2022 employee turnover is expected to be 20% higher than pre-pandemic rates as more workers try their luck in a high-demand market.2 Employee turnover often leads to 40+ hours of work a week falling on employees that are already overextended. Reducing the additional burden of recruitment on your hiring manager and HR team can allow your teams to focus on internal business needs that have to continue to move forward while vacant positions exist. 

2. You are interested in finding candidates not actively on the job hunt

Hiring top talent involves shortlisting and selecting the right candidate, not just those candidates that come to you from a LinkedIn or Indeed job posting. In many cases, the perfect person to fill your role is not actively looking for a new position at the time of your role’s posting. Finding passive candidates takes time, persistence and resources. Recruiters can be laser focused on finding the right fit for your growing business and keep you from making costly mistakes that can come from haphazard hiring practices. 

3. You want to avoid additional staff and overhead

Outsourcing your recruiting efforts can help you avoid the overhead of an employee base in-house that focuses on this task. The cost of hiring with a recruitment agency often won’t match the ongoing overhead of keeping a recruiter or recruitment team on the payroll. Many organizations that provide outsourced recruiting offer contingent services, where you only pay if a candidate is hired.  (Palmetto Summit is the exclusive contingency recruiter for Employers Council.) For over-stretched HR departments, the risk/reward equation of working with a contingent firm is often a no-brainer.

4. You want to hire as quickly as possible

It takes an average of 41 days to hire a new employee—that’s almost a month and a half of productivity loss from an unfilled role! Recruiting firms often have a pipeline of candidates ready to go for different roles. When speed is of importance, outsourced recruiting services can often bring candidates to the table quickly. When working with outside recruitment help, you have the added benefit of being able to continue whatever sourcing efforts your company normally puts in place alongside the outsourced services. 

At Employers Council, our team is focused on partnering with you so your organization can thrive from the inside out. We’ve developed in-depth resources that can help you hire well. Take advantage of our pay-as-you-go recruitment services, including contingent placement-based recruiting, and use our Recruiting Guide as a comprehensive resource for your organization. 

Ready to get started? Reach out to us today.



  1. The Future of Work: Monster 2022 Global Report.” Monster.com. January 2022. Accessed 25 August 2022. 
  2. Gartner Says U.S. Total Annual Employee Turnover Will Likely Jump by Nearly 20% From the Prepandemic Annual Average.Gartner.com. 28 April 2022. Accessed 25 August 2022. 
  3. “22 Recruitment Statistics to Understand Hiring in 2022,” fitsmallbusiness.com. 16 August 2022. Accessed 25 August 2022. 
About the author
Karen Steen, Principal Recruiter at Palmetto Summit